New IPIC education specialist ready to help pork producers


Matie George.AMES, Iowa – Matie George is looking forward to working with producers and others in Iowa’s pork industry, and said her recent experience provided a solid background for her new role with Iowa Pork Industry Center at Iowa State University. As an education extension specialist, she will be responsible for creating educational content from a variety of programming and research efforts for producers.

"I was interested in this role because of the opportunity to generate materials that can impact efficiencies and outcomes of producers' operations," she said. "I feel this role can advance the accessibility of educational resources for the pork industry."

While her route to this position began with a different agriculture industry, her determination to use her knowledge to best help customers transferred well.

George earned her bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in animal science from ISU, and started working in the poultry industry. She was a poultry specialist and then poultry sales manager with Ridley Feed Ingredients, focused on feed formulation and on-farm support. Most recently she worked in feed formulation and ingredient procurement with Versova Management Company, and said those experiences were instrumental in shaping her career.

"My time in private industry has given me a unique perspective on the challenges and obstacles producers face on a daily basis," she said. "This perspective will help with the way I shape educational content. It is important the information be meaningful and easily implementable."

George said she hopes her ISU work helps provide easier and greater access to information pork producers need and want.

"I hope the educational materials I generate will be valuable tools producers can implement in their day to day operations," she said. "And these tools will further the education of their employees and ultimately the efficiency and profitability of their operations."

"I am looking forward to serving the pork industry and would love to hear from you," she said.

George can be reached by email at and by phone at 515-294-8963.


IPIC was established in 1994 as a coordinated effort of the colleges of Agriculture (now Agriculture and Life Sciences) and Veterinary Medicine at ISU. Its mission is to promote efficient pork production technologies in Iowa, maintain Iowa's pork industry leadership and strengthen rural development efforts. IPIC focuses its efforts on programs that are integral and complementary to ISU Extension and Outreach. Through IPIC, Iowa producers receive accurate and timely information to make their operations more efficient and profitable.





Matie George

Matie George

Program Specialist




Sherry Hoyer

Sherry Hoyer.

Communications Specialist



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